2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2) aims to provide a superior international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Intelligence Systems. The Conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of the Intelligence Systems in theoretical and practical aspects. The aim of ICoDT2 is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.
Conference Sponsors
The conference is proudly hosted by National University of Sciences and Technology(NUST), Pakistan. The event is technically sponsored by the IEEE and supported by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.
The conference invites contributions in the areas of artificial intelligence and allied areas. Papers on the applications of AI and ML can also be submitted. The research may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, empirical evaluation, case studies of intelligent systems.
Download the ICoDT Call for Paper
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
AI and ML
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning and Applications
- Decision support systems
- Automated problem solving
- Knowledge discovery
- Knowledge acquisition
- Intelligent agents (Manage by IEEE Robotics & Automation Society)
- Intelligent information systems
- Intelligent web-based business
- AI and evolutionary algorithms
- Neural networks and applications
- Integration of AI with other technologies
- Reinforcement learning
- Generative Models
- Computational Intelligence
- Distributed AI algorithms and techniques
- Uncertainty / Explainability in AI
- Optimization Techniques
Applications of AI and ML
- Visual Surveillance and Biometrics
- Audio/Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
- Remote Sensing, Precision Agriculture and IoT
- Social Network Analysis
- Computer Vision and Applications
- Cognitive and Biologically Inspired Vision
- Medical Image Processing and Healthcare
- Motion and Tracking Stereo and Structure from Motion
- Computational biology
- Neuroscience
- Predictive Data Analytics
- Geographical Information Systems
- Power Electronics and control
Submission Guidlines
The conference is soliciting full length papers on all the identified areas of research. Submissions should clearly establish the research contribution, its relevance, importance and novelty. Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be downloaded from http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
The Submission Process
Once a paper is submitted to the online conference system it will undergo blind review by three peers. As per IEEE guidelines all papers will undergo a mandatory plagiarism detection. Following the review of submitted papers, successful authors will be invited to attend and present their work at ICoDT2.
All authors are required to submit a blind version of the paper. Hence remove identifying information and affiliations prior to submission.
Plagiarism Testing
All papers accepted for publication must clear multiple rounds of plagiarism tests. As per HEC policy the
similarity index must not be more than 18% with single source similarity no more than 5%. Authors
should check their camera ready prior to submission.
Camera Ready Instructions
Authors of accepted papers should address reviewer comments and strictly follow the IEEE conference template at the following link http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
Pay particular attention to the correctness of the A4 page size, paper title, author names,
affiliations, emails, etc because once published these cannot be changed.
Consider the font sizes, line spacing, paragraph settings, caption settings prior to submission of camera
ready. Ensure that all tables and diagrams have been mentioned in the text. Authors should use proof
reading services/ tools to improve grammar, spelling of the paper. To help with references, authors can
use Mendeley software to incorporate references into their paper by fetching them from online
Please send your camera ready for verification/ approval to the following email icodt2-publications@seecs.edu.pk.
Authors must mention their paper id and title in all their corespondence
Paper Presentation Instructions
Authors are instructed to create a presentation of 10 Minutes length. After the conclusion of the presentation there will be a 5 minutes question answer session. Please pay particular attention to font sizes and ensure that the presentation is of high quality. As the conference is in virtual mode therefore we request that presenters ensure that they speak loud and clear and try to limit interfering background noises.
IEEE requires that a paper has to be presented if it is to appear in the conference proceedings.